Family of Communities

Our basic building block is the individual disciple. The purpose of the Home Community and Family of Communities is to aid each individual disciple live out their Purpose through our Values to achieve our common Mission

The Simple Organic Christian Community, usually between 5-20 adults, serves as a nuclear family that cares for each other and shares life together. Spiritual growth and discipleship is fostered through prayer, Scripture memory, focused exploration and personal application while reading through Scripture, and shared facilitation of the Disciples Bible Study, all done to prepare for launching a new ekklesia. There are generally two types of groups: 1) an affinity based group which forms around a common mission/ministry or friend/family group and, 2) a geographically based group within a particular neighborhood or city/region. Each disciple is empowered and equipped to eventually launch their own “nuclear family”  group while remaining connected to their “family of origin.” Each ekklesia is also urged to facilitate new Communities, locally and regionally, as well as both domestic and foreign. 

“Family Reunions” among the home churches occur every 1-3 months to maintain unity and connection between the microchurch and the macrochurch. The focus of these reunions is primarily on gaining cross-group interaction, large group worship experiences, and extended teaching/training opportunities. C
ooperation and other interaction between groups occurs as often as desired. 

Ekklesia List

Disciples Bible Study

Charleston, SC area
This Community is an online Community and is  available to anyone regardless of location. We use the Disciples Bible Study format from which we take our name. This is an ideal group to start in if you are considering launching a Community in your local area. Give Mitch a call (828-424-3773) or e-mail for more information (

(monckscorner microchurch)

Moncks Corner, SC
This community is focused on ministry within the Berkeley county region. Those from outside the area are welcome, especially to serve as a catalyst for launching new communities within the greater Charleston area. 

North Charleston

Newly developing house gathering in the Ashley Phosphate/Dorchester Rd area. Contact Restoration Fellowship Network for more specifics. 

NEXT Community

Will you be the one that plants the NEXT Community? Your neighborhood, community, city, friends, family? Listen to God’s voice about this. 

Complete Monthly Report

(by designated person)