However, freely and joyfully using what God has blessed us with is clearly part of our calling to aid others. Ideally, we desire 90% of money given by our individuals/families, to be personally given directly by them to help others. We encourage you to follow Paul’s admonition in 1 Corinthians 16:1-2
1Now about the collection for the saints: Do the same as I instructed the Galatian churches. 2On the first day of the week, each of you is to set something aside and save in keeping with how he is prospering, so that no collections will need to be made when I come.
When you set aside some each week on your own, possibly a separate savings account** just for ministry needs, you are free to bless others directly as God prompts you. This may be gifting others in need of basic necessities, giving to a local charity, aiding in establishment of new communities, expenses related to travel for mission outreach, helping the homeless, purchase of food for a monthly neighborhood meal, providing school supplies for children in need, training/supplies for discipling your own children, supporting children through Compassion Int., etc. The possibilities are endless.
Restoration Fellowship Network is an unincorporated nonprofit association in South Carolina. Meeting the definition of a church, contributions are tax deductible. Your savings for personal ministry use are not tax deductible, but may be if given to a nonprofit entity.
**for example, Ally is an online only bank that has no fees and lets you divide up your savings account into “buckets” that you name such as: homeless shelter, monthly neighborhood outreach meal, mission trip, children teaching supplies, Compassion Int., etc.
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