Constitution and Bylaws

Adopted by the Family Council July 1, 2021


Restoration Fellowship Network is an association of simple communities united by a common understanding of the core story of Scripture, a commitment to a common purpose, a shared group of values, and a mission that drives all we do as a body of believers.

ARTICLE I General Conditions

Section 1. Restoration Fellowship Network is an unincorporated nonprofit association in South Carolina with affiliates in other locations, states or countries. It operates as a church, a faith based, tax-exempt organization. However, personal funds distributed directly by individuals for ministry purposes are not automatically tax deductible, but may be if given to another tax deductible entity.

Section 2. An associated community is one that has at least 4 adults who have signed a Covenant of Commitment, expressing a desire to be part of the Restoration Fellowship Network. They also need to meet 18 or more times in the prior 6 months to continue to qualify as an associated community.

Section 3. We affirm the priesthood of all believers and also that all believers are part of our common spiritual family. However, for membership, we recognize three categories of adults (18 and over) based on their level of participation in group activities during the previous 6 months: 1) Visitors are those who attend less than 1/3 of group activities; 2) Associate Members are those who attend 1/3 to 2/3 of group activities; 3) Full Members are those attending 2/3 or more of group activities; These categories are unrelated to whether a person is a Christian or not, or whether they have signed the Covenant of Commitment, but they do have bearing on Network servant leadership and the selection process of servants as discussed in Article II.

ARTICLE II Restoration Fellowship Servant Leadership

Section 1. Each associated community may select one person, male or female, from among their full members to act as their Ministry Servant to the Family Council for the upcoming ministry year that begins May 1st. This person will be selected only by associate and full members. There is no limit on the number of one year terms a person may be selected to participate on the Family Council. The person selected must sign the Covenant of Commitment, agree with the Statement of Beliefs, and meet the qualifications for Deacons (ministry servants) and Elders (overseers) found in 1st Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:6-9.

Section 2. Before May 31st, those chosen as Ministry Servants for the calendar year will spend time in prayer and fasting to select from their number those who will also serve as Family Overseers for the Ministry year. The number selected will be between 1/3 and 1/2 of the total Family Council. These individuals may be male or female.

All Family Council members will still be identified as Ministry Servants. Some will additionally be identified as Family Overseers. The primary difference between Ministry Servants and Family Overseers is one of gifting and focus rather than character.

Those selected as Family Overseers will specifically address spiritual issues that affect the health of the Community. They are tasked with keeping the Fellowship focused on our common Beliefs, Purpose, Values, and Mission. They are the final decision making body of the Fellowship related to spiritual matters. They will meet without the other Ministry Servants at times for issues specifically related to spiritual well-being.

The Ministry Servants will address the temporal/physical needs of the whole body and will be assigned areas of responsibility by the Family Council. They may form a ministry group from other Restoration Fellowship members to fulfill the assigned areas of responsibility. They will participate in decision making for general fellowship issues that are not specifically spiritual in nature.

Section 3.  Family Overseers and Ministry Servants of Restoration Fellowship Network will meet at a designated place and time to confer in all matters pertaining to the spiritual life and business of the collective communities. These meetings will occur at least quarterly but may meet as often as necessary to fulfill the purposes of the Network. As noted, the Family Overseers may meet on their own for specifically spiritual related issues. There will be at least a one month notice of these meetings. Unscheduled meetings may convene upon consent from a majority of the Family Council which consists of all Family Overseers and Ministry Servants, or a majority of the Family Overseers for specifically spiritual related meetings. 

Section 4.  A quorum is considered to be at least 3/4 of the full Family Council, or of the Family Overseers for their separate meetings. Any decisions must have a quorum in attendance to be voted on, and at least a 2/3 majority vote to be enacted. Attendance via video teleconferencing counts as attendance. Proxy votes in writing are allowed but any member can hold no more than one proxy vote.

Section 5.  Any changes to the Constitution and Bylaws or Statement of Beliefs must be presented in writing at least a month in advance to each member of the Family Council. Any changes to the Statement of Beliefs will be voted on by the Family Overseers.

Section 6.  A person may be removed from the Family Council for a variety of reasons. This can occur through voluntary resignation, occur due to the individual not maintaining full membership status, occur through action by the the remainder of the Family Council because the member no longer meets the qualifications for being a Family Overseer or a Ministry Servant, or, if their home Community is no longer an affiliated group. If vacated, the position will remain vacant until new selections for the ministry year (5-1 to 4-30).

Section 7.  The Ministry Servant selected from an associated community is not considered the “leader” or in charge of that community. Rather, they are equals among brothers and sisters in a spiritual family that recognizes the priesthood of all believers. 

ARTICLE III Statement of Belief

  • that the Bible is the sole basis for our faith  (1Cor. 2:13, 2 Tim. 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21);
  • that our Father is the only true God (John 5:44, 17:3, 1 Cor. 8:6, Ephesians 4:6, 1Tim.2:5);
  • that Jesus is the Son of God, our Lord and Messiah, that God raised from the dead, and through whom we are reconciled to God (Rom.3:24-25, Rom.5:10, 2 Cor.5:18-20, John 20:17, Acts 17:31, Romans 10:9, 1 Peter 1:21);
  • that all who repent of their rebellion against God, accept the free gift of God’s grace, recognize Jesus as their Lord, are then baptized by immersion as an identification with his death, burial, and resurrection to new life (Rom.3:24, Eph.2:8, Acts2:38, Rom.6:3-5, 10:9-10, 1 Cor.15:22,  Col.2:12); and,
  • that we are to live our life in imitation of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit so that it glorifies our God and Father (Matthew 5:16, 1 Peter 1:16, Romans 12:1-2, John 13:35, 1 John 2:6, Acts 1:8, Romans  8:13-14, Gal.5:22, Gal.5:25, 1Peter 1:2, John 15:8, Romans 15:6)

  • ARTICLE IV Finances

    Section 1. At least one Ministry Servant shall be identified as the Treasurer and tasked with forming a ministry group to manage the joint finances of Restoration Fellowship Network. They are authorized by the Family Council to receive all monies, to disburse the same, and to keep an accurate account thereof. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to keep safely all funds in the possession and control of the Fellowship, to make a complete annual report to the Family Council of the receipts and disbursements, and update the finances at each meeting of the Family Council. The annual report should be made available to any member upon request or to arrange for access via a website or email.            

    Section 2. The Family Council shall appoint a competent auditor whose duty shall be to examine the books and other financial records of the treasurer and to make a full report of their condition in writing to the Family Council at least once yearly, or at such other time or times, as may be required. Said auditor shall in no case be a member of Restoration Fellowship Network or have other related conflict of interest.

    ARTICLE V Dissolution Clause

    Section 1. In the event of the dissolution of Restoration Fellowship Network, the Family Council, after paying or making provision for payment of all of the liabilities of the Fellowship, shall dispose of all of the assets of the Fellowship by distributing any assets exclusively to organizations qualified as exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) or 508(c)(1)(a) and which are in agreement with the Statement of Faith contained in this document.