To limit the listing, we have chosen to list only Colleges and Universities with both traditional degree programs as well as training in Bible/Ministry. Additionally, we are listing only those with the same regional accreditation as state and other private universities for purposes of transfer credit or graduate work. Follow this link for a more comprehensive listing that includes Bible colleges as well as traditional universities.
Bushnell University (OR)
Great Lakes Christian College (MI)
Hope International University (CA)
Johnson University (TN)
Kentucky Christian University (KY)
Manhattan Christian College (KS)
Mid-Atlantic Christian University (NC)
Milligan University (TN)
Point University (GA)
William Jessup University (CA)
Abilene Christian University (TX)
Amridge University (AL)
Crowley’s Ridge College (AR)
Faulkner University (AL)
Florida College (FL)
Freed-Hardeman University (TN)
Harding University (AR)
Lipscomb University (TN)
Lubbock Christian University (TX)
Oklahoma Christian University (OK)
Pepperdine University (CA)
Rochester University (MI)
Southwestern Christian College (TX)
York College (NB)
Numerous Bible Colleges/Training Schools from both the Independent Christian Church and the Churches of Christ exists exclusively for ministerial and Christian service preparation. Most of the liberal arts colleges/universities listed above also have Bible/Ministry training at the undergraduate and graduate level. Follow this link for a more comprehensive listing that includes Bible colleges and traditional universities.
Most of the many colleges and universities started by the Disciples of Christ now have only a loose affiliation with the parent denomination. These universities also tend to be very liberal in their theology and not the primary focus for Restoration Fellowship Network. You can see a listing of Disciples affiliated colleges here.
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